Ice Climbing Performance Footwear With Heat Distribution Technology

Meet the Team!

Alexia Shannon Wibisono

Dahoon Kim

Black Diamond as Brand

In our brand, we fervently believe to achieve the highest and the greatest. Black diamond’s core purpose is to be a guardian for all climbers because of the founder’s near-death experience on Mountain Hunter.

Black Diamond guards for the people who are vehement, for the ones who have an intense burning desire for climbing and adventure. They also express themselves as mavericks, people who live the non-status quo, independent, and free-spirited.

Black Diamond as Consumer

It’s a sport that’s known to be highly perilous, as they always challenge themselves to the extreme knowing the risks of the sport. However, the sense of elation calls them back over and over again to take on greater challenges.


What if agony is victory?

How could we preserve endurance?

Sweat is the Agony

Ice climbers can get really sweaty during long climbs, and sweating in cold weather could be really dangerous for them. So, how do we turn sweat into a victory which then will preserve their endurance?

Meet the Dane Steadman

Temperature is one of the most important factors in ice climbing, influencing what routes will form, how dry/wet they will be, their stability, and what I wear and how much I enjoy the experience.

Sweat is a problem. I am sweatier than the average person so it’s an extra big problem for me, but while hiking or climbing
I generally get pretty sweaty, then when I stop moving that sweat makes me cold.

- Dane Steadman, Alpinist

Dane was someone we found on Instagram and interviewed.

Needs Heat Area

Sweaty Area

4. Perforation

Sweat evaporates


Turn energy into heat

2. Piezoelectric Properties

Turn the sweat into energy

1. Sweat-Absorbent Material

Sweat is absorbed

Men’s Ice Climbing Winter 2027

Black Diamond as Consumer

Problem Statement

Core Concept

Research and ideations

Enduro Ascender (Boots)

Enduro Ascender (Bootie)

Bootie Construction

CMF Moodboard

CMF Colorways

Make it Happen

Final Results

On finals day, we presented to professionals from multiple footwear industries.

More Process!

Designers Don’t Only Sketch

We also did some rock climbing to understand the feeling of our users and to enhance our research. I actually have a fear of heights which made me injured, but at least I had fun!


PUMA Vixen (Footwear and CMF)


TevaForYou (Sustainable Footwear)